Project Timeline: 3 Weeks
Software Use: Sketch​​​​​​​
Client Background:
Vesta was born out of the need for finding solutions for workplace harassment and other sensitive matters. It is intended to offer services and solution that provides a balance within the workplace environment. My role was to redesign website to help Vesta better convey their message. By utilizing a more open yet professional design language the site incorporated easy to identify icons& navigations for better visual understanding yet subtle enough due the nature of the content. 
For more information please click here to read up on my case study
Inception Sheet 
& Mood Board

To revitalize the visual elements of Vesta, a design language was through by the use of an inception sheet. As the original website would transition to a more corporate environment, a more clear and blue colour scheme was selected to bring bring out a professional tone without the sense of intimidation
Style Guide

I created a style guide and incorporated translucent rounded-geometric shapes as background texture to better match with Vesta corporate image. But but ensured that the icons were more rounded in appearance to ensure that visitors won't feel intimated. Had sharper icons been in place, the site would undermine itself and devoid itself from users who would require Vesta's assistance.
Final UI

The Final design represented the new corporate image of Vesta. All icons were legible and understandable for navigation.  A website navigation is important as the site contains information for a delicate subject. Users require need clear information of what services Vesta has to offer, for both employees and employers alike.

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