Project Timeline: 3 weeks
Software Use: Figma
Client Background:
Their company provides equal access to information to its employees and customers by utilizing intelligent interactive documents and other services. Website can be located here.
The Brief
Creating a website that incorporates clean aesthetics. The website should be easy to navigate, with legible texts to support key information. Primary use is for potential clients to contact the company.
Website should also retain responsiveness for tablet and mobile use.

Inception Sheet

This radial diagram is what I primarily use to start envisioning of what the over website should look and feel. By dividing out the radial segments, I can begin searching for sources of inspirations that would help define the website.
Style Guide

The website was inspired by the clear blue skies that envelops our world. As the company did not have a prior website available, I utilized their company logo and expanded upon it for a branding narrative. The blue monochromatic scheme over the white best represented companies professional appearance.  Green highlights were also used to match out with the company's branding. 
Site Map

The breakdown of the website was to remain simple and directive to the services provided. The primary focus was ensure that each of their services would link users to their contact forms.
Mid Fi

Once the site map was laid down, I immediately got to work on drafting out sketches and mocking up mid fidelities. The finalized landing page seen was moved forward with minor adjustments. The triangular floating icon was to represent a CTA. However as the landing page already contained a contact form, the floating cta modal would have been redundant. Another item that was removed were testimonials. At present there are no clients who have posted their opinions on the services provided. However the option is still present should Inteliwrap require a testimonial section/page. 
Final UI

The final design represented the newly established presence of Inteliwrap. Navigation is easy to understand with a simplified site mapping, with digestible clear directives. The website responsiveness also allowed accessibility for tablet and mobile users.  Should the users require further information, contact forms are readily available to link to.
Desktop Screen
Desktop Screen
Mobile 2 Screen
Mobile 2 Screen
Tablet Screen
Tablet Screen

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