Hello everyone! It has been quite a bit since I last posted. For that I do apologize! Today I wanted to debut something that I actually started on during the first lockdown. However, currently I've come across some technical difficulties which has halted my progress. While I'm confident that I'll be able to sort it out, I do want to show a part of what I've worked on.
For those who love RPG and fantasy, Nintendo is readying to launch the sequel to the critically acclaimed, Legend of Zelda: 'Breath of the Wild'. 
This game is beloved by many, including myself. It offers a non linear format of gameplay and exploration, a first to the series. What makes it so well regarded is that landscape and environment is dynamically detailed. One could be immersed for hours without the need of finishing 'quests', spending the artificial days and nights riding horses, climbing mountains or gliding to parts unknown. If any of you haven't gotten the chance, or yearn to play, I encourage you all to do so. 
The exercise I started was to redesign Nintendo's Breath of the Wild website. When I scrolled through the current site, I found it rather dull. Utilizing Adobe XD, I extrapolated an animated mockup to which I would enamor the user for nostalgia. I included a parallax sequence for the 'hero image' to further bring the user to learn more about the game. My goal was to captivate the experience  of exploration, to 'rediscover Hyrule'. 
The intro sequence is in fact almost identical to the intro of the game. Adobe XD allowed to recreate the intro to the redesign. Thank you for reading and hope everyone enjoys my little introduction snippet.

Introduction Snippet to the Landing Page via XD

Parallax Motion Capture via XD  Copyright Image belongs to Nintendo

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